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Studies on Divorce & Remarriage

Divorce and Remarriage, Recovering the Biblical View” by William Luck - 1st edition MS Word Doc, Adobe PDF. (Copyrighted but used by permission of the author). 2nd Revised edition HTML and Index , MS Word Doc  Also available 3.7MB PowerPoint file which contains summary and detail charts of key points in the book along with added material. This is one of the two best, honest, and in-depth studies that I seen on the subject. The other is “Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible,” a much smaller book, by Jay Adams, (purchase at Zondervan, or local Bible book stores). Both of these books about divorce and remarriage are controversial but the statements made in them should not be discarded unless a better scriptural argument is shown. We have seen too many examples of the Christian army shooting its own wounded troops in an unbiblical manner. For a studies which propose that a divorced man could still possibly become a church elder see “Choosing a Pastor” and “Divorce, Remarriage and Church Leadership.”

Divorce & Remarriage

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